Dinosaurs: meat-eating and sparkly

Dear parents,

We started the week by writing a list of what we know about dinosaurs. The children knew quite a lot. They knew why dinosaurs had sharp or flat teeth, what extinct means, and theories about what happened to the dinosaurs. Someone noticed all the names end in -saurus.

While outside, some children had to be reminded when acting like dinosaurs to not really grab friends. We wondered if even ferocious dinosaurs acted that way ALL the time. Some children said maybe only when hunting for food.

Kelly came in and read a book about a scuba diving cat. The class identified many sea creatures in the book and after snacks each got a page to color underwater ocean animals.

We looked for pictures of dinosaur bones in our books and found many. We went to work creating our own dinosaur bones using clay. It was already the same color as the bones in the book. Children made the spine, leg bones, feet, eyes, teeth, head bones, and land for the dinosaurs to live on. A couple of people made sculptures of their human mamas too.

F. called from London on FaceTime. The children asked her about the weather, if it snowed there or was raining? She told us it was cold and raining, the same weather we were having that day. She showed us the shops out of her apartment window. We sang the goodbye song when it was time to hang up. It was great to see her smiling face!!

We have been reading about dinosaurs everyday. We wrote down how many feet long a Triceratops, an Iguanodon, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and a Brontosaurus are, and went in the big room to measure. We discovered the Brontosaurus was longer than the big room. We also saw a picture of a 2 foot long dinosaur and measured each child and noticed they are all bigger than him. We didn't know there was such a small dinosaur. We also measured the yard to see if they would fit in our yard. Barely.

We wrote a dinosaur story. This story had some meat-eating dinosaurs and a sparkly dinosaur with sparkly nails and a sequined dress, who unfortunately, was eaten by a magic turtle. The acting was award-winning.

Next week we continue with dinosaurs.

Have a warm weekend,
