Dear Parents,
On Monday, Lilian’s grandmother Julia visited and talked to us about how to breathe during meditation. We felt our tummies fill with air and listened to our breath. We sat for about one minute. Afterwards, everyone got a turn to ring the bell bowl using a small stick. When asked, the children said meditation was being quiet and relaxing.
We had plenty of play time in the yard. On Tuesday Davina joined us for circle. She and Addy showed us their violins and played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Addy let everyone take a turn holding and playing her violin. Davina shared too! We learned how to place your feet for balance and that the bowstrings are made from animal hair.
Six sleepers on Tuesday. And Thursday. Shhhhhhh.
Wednesday during movement the children were heard clapping and what sounded like galloping across the big room. They were certainly moving! While half the class moved in movement, the other half worked furiously cutting and gluing valentines for family.
Puppetworks was entertaining. We learned that there was more than one magical instrument. The children said their favorite parts were: the crocodile, the dancing monsters, the part where someone said there was a monster on his nose, and when the prince and princess kissed. During the show, someone whispered, “The Queen is evil and rudey!” They explained that rudey means rude, rude, rude!
Upon our return from Mid-Winter Break, we will continue playing our instruments, have more family shares, and begin learning about simple machines.
Have a fun break!