Hi All,
We began our week back by beading necklaces. We listened to word
patterns in a couple of books, clapped a pattern with our hands, and
then made a pattern using two and three colors of beads. We put our
fine motor skills and color awareness to work. Many wore their
necklaces all week. We saved them in the classroom to wear next week
during our Mardi Gras parade.
We created animal masks using paper plates, paint, animal print paper,
and pipe cleaners. Children said they were a tiger, a monkey, a cat, a
unicorn, a fish, a dog, a sloth, a bunny, a worm, and four porcupines.
We asked what animals live in trees, on the ground, under the ground,
and in our homes? After making a list of the above, children talked
about who eats animals and who does not.
We walked to Puppetworks to see Cinderella. Her sister’s names were
Citronella and Dardanella. We got to see how the marionettes work
after the show. A couple of children were on the edge of their seats.
One person said her mama watches Cinderella at home, another said they
were hungry.
On Friday, everyone wore pajamas to school, always a big hit. We
beaded more necklaces. In the big room people built with blocks, put
out fires, kicked balls, used frozen powers, rode tricycles, and
climbed as high as humanly possible on the jungle gym.
Next week we will have a parent share, to celebrate Mardis Gras, and
Spellbound will be in the classroom two days.
Have a lean weekend,