Dear Parents,
We started our week looking for shapes in homes. We examined several
pictures of different homes in our books. The children found squares,
triangles, cones, rectangles, and arches. We looked at shapes of
construction paper and thought about how we could use shapes to create
our own homes. Everyone chose a color for their house, roof, windows,
and a door. We added glue to stick it all together. And a little love.
Caroline came and read Jack’s Garden and The Orange Splot on Sofia’s
birthday. We thought about how we had planted our garden using some of
the same tools pictured in the book.
Everyone got a paper doll for each member of their family. We
decorated them using crayons and markers. After everybody glued their
families into their homes, we read Shapes. We saw the same shapes in
the book that we had used in our homes. We read This Is The House That
Jack Built and looked at the houses that we built. The book was the
same rhyme and reason as Jack’s Garden.
We started working on our holiday gifts this week. There was paint,
coconut shells, and glitter involved. We also made something else, to
be announced later. The children talked about who they wanted to give
their gifts to— parents’ names were indeed mentioned. One person said
if you’re naughty you might not get a gift. There were many nods of
Have a lovely weekend,