Games with Friends

Dear Parents,

We played several games this week with our friends. We began with Red Light, Green Light. We hopped like frogs, slithered like snakes, raced like cheetahs, ran like humans, crawled like house cats, tigers, and lions. Everyone had different interpretations of crawling like crabs.
We read Pig Pig Grows Up, I Like Me, The Selfish Crocodile, It’s Mine! and My Tree and Me.

We played two rounds of Duck, Duck, Goose. Everyone remembered how to play from the first time. We looked at our chart on the wall and remembered that we sit in a circle. We ran around and around and afterwards went outside to play. While we were outside, we saw some tiny snowflakes.

While half the class posed in yoga class with Amanda, the rest of us read Little Blue, Little Yellow. Then we worked in pairs using blue and yellow paint. The children quickly noticed all our pictures turning green, just like in the book! We painted together and then everyone painted their own green painting.

Quiet time has been pretty quiet with half (or more) of the class sleeping regularly.

On Thursday we played outside the whole morning. In the sandbox friends made pies, mountains with security cameras, traps, and tunnels. During circle we read Frederick and The Greedy Python.

We read When I Feel Angry, Steps and Stones again, I Was So Mad, When Sophie Gets Angry, and Frog and Toad Are Friends. We have been talking a lot about what to do when we feel angry. We have learned from our books and from experience: take deep breaths, walk away, talk about our feelings, ask for help, count to ten, take a few minutes alone, and go for a run.

On Friday we played with our new play dough that we made earlier in the week, painted at the easel, and played a game of kickball. We looked at our picture from when we played before, and recalled the colors of the balls we used: red, orange, rainbow, dark blue, and bumpy blue. We began with one ball and added three more. We kicked up a storm, laughed a little, and went out to the yard to dig in the sandbox, climb, slide, swing, and run.

It was a good, active week,
