Dear Parents,
On Monday we made sweet potatoes. We looked at the skins and noticed that the outside and inside of the potatoes were different colors. We played in the classroom while everyone took turns going down to the kitchen to watch the potatoes boil. Afterwards we played in the big room while taking turns adding ingredients and using the hand mixer. Everyone, but one, tasted a tiny bit. The children said they were yummy.
The next day we washed and boiled cranberries. We felt a cranberry so we could feel the difference before and after cooking. Someone noticed that the water turned red after they cooked. We also made cornbread muffins to go with the butter we made on Friday. The butter making process involved lots of jumping around. And disco music.
Our family feast was fun! Thanks to everyone for bringing delicious dishes. Just before our feast was about to begin, one of the children exclaimed, “Today is the Best Day of my Life!”
Have a happy thanksgiving!