Dear Parents,
This week we read I Like It When… and the children took turns completing the sentence. We read them during circle, and these became a page in our All About Me books.
We compared the cover of the books I Like It When… and You Choose. The children noticed that both books are red and have a penguin. One person said, 'They have the same author and illustrator named Mary Murphy, and both names begin with the same letter." Someone pointed out that one book is smaller and the other is bigger.
We read You Choose and everyone got to choose what color of tulip bulb to plant. We dug up dirt in our garden, tossed our bulbs in, covered them with dirt, and waited for them to bloom. Many commented how hard it was to dig, it took a lot of elbow grease. Someone shouted, “We’re making flowers!”
During circle we read Flowers so we could see how our bulbs will grow. We also read Nicky Visits the Fire Station, in preparation for our trip to the fire station. We read Firefighter A- Z several times. We asked the class, “What do you think we will see at the fire station?” After our trip, we reviewed the list and noticed that saw almost everything we predicted.
During yoga with Tasha, friends were seen lying on their backs listening to quiet music. While half the class was in yoga, the rest of us worked on assembling our Me books. Everyone helped push the stapler to hold their pages together. Then we sat on the carpet and read our books.
We read all the books aloud during circle. The class was excited to listen.
At the fire station we saw a fire truck, firemen, a fire pole, fire pants, boots, and helmets. One fireman slid down the pole for us and another put on his uniform so we could see what they would look like if they came to our house. Fireman Connor told the children if you see a fireman in your house, don't hide, go to him.
On Friday we did our second fire drill. We talked about fire extinguishers and noticed that there was one in our classroom and three on our way through the building to the yard. When we reached the yard someone reminded us, “Fire extinguishers are not toys.” Another friend followed up with, “Swings are toys.”