Sand and Bagels

Dear Parents,

We started our week playing in a sand bin with partners. The children said the sand felt dry, soft , hard, and they liked the color.  It is kinetic sand which does have a different consistency than regular sand. (Sand which- not sandwich).

On Tuesday we walked to La Bagel Delight. We saw a 450 degree oven, a bubbling cauldron of water, and many bagels. Rodrigo told us that he gets there at 4am every day and that they make about 500 bagels a day. “What is the most popular?” we asked. He said, “Everything and plain.” Afterwards we ate so many bagels, we barely ate lunch!

During tumbling with Casey we saw everyone balancing on a spot and on a beam, while playing with scarves. While half the class was tumbling, the others played ABC bingo in the classroom.  

We have been brainstorming words for each letter of the alphabet. On Wednesday we did F words: friends, fun, firetruck, family, farewell, first, four, five, fur, and fish.

On Thursday we worked with red Mexican clay. The children said it was much harder than play dough. We added water to soften the clay and used our hands to squish, roll, pat, poke, and squeeze the clay. Children made snowmen, balls, the school, the teachers, each other, and more. 

We played with our parachute on Friday. We sang a song about the colors of the parachute and named fruits and vegetables of the same colors. We sang “ I’m Being Swallowed by a Boa Constrictor”  while the parachute swallowed us up. When we were under the parachute, the class said, “ It’s like a tent.” Everyone took turns sitting in the middle while we sang London Bridge and took the keys and locked them up. That song always gets the most delightful smiles and laughter. 

Have a colorful weekend,
