Dear Parents,
Our All About Me study continues. Through learning about ourselves,
the children discover how we’re alike and how we’re different. We sing
songs about our bodies, such as Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. We
also trace and color our bodies, and count our fingers, toes, and
classmates. We are learning where our bodies end, and a friend’s
begins, which comes in handy when someone has a toy we want. We are
always talking about using our words, our listening ears and eyes, to
ask for a turn, or to listen when someone asks us for one.
We completed our All About Me books this week. The children chose
colors of construction paper to use for their book covers. They
colored with markers. We practiced our fine motor skills, taking caps
off and snapping them back on when finished. Some were dedicated to
making sure the caps matched the markers.
During circle we hopped on one foot, ran in place, touches our toes
and our nose, all super fast. We looked at one of our books that had a
torn page, talked about how to share, wait turns, and ask for a turn.
Some of us did a little roleplay, acting out how this might look. We
taped the torn page.
We looked at the cover and the back of a book on our shelf. We talked
about who the book was about and who our books would be about. We
looked at our covers that we made and thought about what would be
inside. After examining the spine of a book, we felt our own spines in
our backs. We felt our ribs too and took deep breaths to feel our
lungs fill up.
Tuesday we assembled our books. Everyone helped staple their pages
together. Again we looked at the spines of our books, and felt the
spines in our backs. We sat straight and tall, we bent forward, right
and left. We read everybody’s books during circle.
We started working on our body tracings by tracing everyone’s bodies
on mural paper, and counting arms and legs as we went. Afterwards, we
read a poem called My Shadow. We started coloring our tracings with
crayons and markers. Next week we will paint them.
Have a fantastic three-day weekend,