Dear Every Body,
This week we painted our body tracings. We worked in small groups in
the big room. Our colorful tracings will be hanging in the big room in
the near future. It takes a lot of tape to hang up those bodies.
Anna’s mama, Sarai, came and helped us plant crocus and daffodil
bulbs. We also planted an azalea bush, another small green bush, and a
lambs ear plant. We all touched the little lambs ear to see how soft
it felt. We sang Mary Had A Little Lamb. Everyone took turns digging
holes and burying bulbs. Sarai brought real garden tools that were
exciting to use. The next day we made a small fence out of sticks to
remind people (us) to not trample our new little green bush.
We had our first yoga class with Lori. After looking at a book of yoga
poses, we posed. We asked the children what they thought would happen
in yoga class. They said they would sit on special mats, someone said
the mats are rectangles. People guessed they would lay down, bend, and
watch Lori and copy her moves. Someone also said to listen to the yoga
During yoga, people were seen stretching, spinning, and posing. One
person was nervous but succeeded in completing the class.
On Friday we examined many seeds and seed pods. Children were able to
identify some of the seeds. We matched some seeds up with pictures in
our books, which was really fun. We went outside to play, and many
children planted the seeds around the yard.
Next week we'll continue learning about our five senses.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,