I Spy an Eye Pie

Dear Mamas and Papas,

We began our week reading The Eye Book. We looked at the shape of our
eyes, named the parts, and looked into a mirror to see what color eyes
we have. Everyone got a pair of eyes to color, representing their
eyes. We looked at all the eyes to guess which color we had most of:
brown, and least: blue. We read in one of our books that brown is the
most common eye color. We added glue to create an eye pie. It is
hanging in the classroom. Spying on us.

We read Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf and compared leaves collected from our
yard. We examined them to guess which came from the same trees. The
children took turns sorting the leaves into three piles. We noticed
the similarities and differences. We read Up In The Garden and Down In
The Dirt and talked about our bulbs that we buried down in the dirt
last week. We added string to our little stick fence, around our new

We have been using our doctor kit in the classroom. Suddenly everyone
has fevers, boo-boos, and needs shots.

We have been reading Your Mouth and Nose, Your Brain, and Your Heart.
We have been examining an organ smock and talking about our lungs that
are protected by our rib cages. We brought out our three Mr. Bones
skeletons. We sang to him: The leg bone‘s connected to the foot bone.

While half the class posed and stretched in yoga with Lori, the rest
of us took turns examining Mr. Bones. We looked at his rib cage and
talked about our lungs. We saw his spine and felt ours again.

We continue to learn about our five senses. Monday was eye pie and we
played I Spy. Tuesday’s self portraits got rescheduled. Thursday we
used the Amazing Apple Peeler, made applesauce, and used our sense of
taste. Most gobbled it up and asked for more but a couple children
said they like the kind mama buys better!

Friday we read The Listening Walk and sat quietly to listen for
sounds. The children heard: someone stomping, breathing, birds
singing, and water dripping One person said that at midnight when he
sleeps he can hear his blood running. We also played a game of name
that sound. Sounds were made that could not be seen. Guesses were
correct: a bouncing ball, scissors, tape, tearing paper, and a bell.

I spy a weekend