Dear Parents,
We began our week making a list of things we needed to know about our
fire station trip. People knew that we needed to walk, hold hands, and
listen to the firemen.
Outside we played a little I Spy. Inside we have been reading our I Spy books.
We talked about what we might see at the fire station: fire truck,
firemen, a Dalmatian, and fire gadgets. We saw three of the four.
Firefighter Paul put on his jacket, pants, boots, mask, and oxygen
tank to show us what he would look like during a fire. Some children
thought he looked scary, he reminded us that firemen are here to help.
We got to see a firefighter come down the pole and everyone got to sit
in the fire truck.
We made a list of questions after reading a book about our bodies.
Jess came in to answer our questions: What are our brains made of?
What is in our skulls? What are our eyes, ears, teeth, and skin made
of? Jess told us about the smallest part of our bodies, so small we
cannot see it, our cells. We examined a picture of a cell and everyone
got one to color. After snacks, the class worked diligently coloring
their cells.
During yoga the children said they did a dance and counted to twelve.
They also did mountain pose, rock pose, and child’s pose. While some
posed in yoga, in the classroom we read Halloween books and carved our
pumpkin. We lit candles in him and read more books. We sang a couple
Halloween songs to him too.
We baked our pumpkin seeds in the kitchen oven. Children took turns
going down to the kitchen to put them in the oven and take them out.
When the seeds were done several people said they didn’t want to try
them, but many others did.
Next week we begin working on our family tree.
See you bright and early Monday,