Family Tree Vote

Hi Y’all,

We began this week reading Have You Seen Trees? and A Tree Is Nice. We
put on our thinking caps and brainstormed trees we know. We made a
list: pine tree, apple tree, fall tree, oak tree, peanut tree, maple
tree, and coconut tree. Everyone voted and wrote their votes. Friday
we counted the ballots.

Coconut tree won by a landslide. The children said a coconut tree was
very tall, skinny, with little green leaves only on the top, and one
coconut. One person said they had seen a real coconut tree in Hawaii.
Everyone agreed coconut trees do not grow in Brooklyn. We read Chicka
Chicka Boom Boom! and noticed the coconut tree in the book had two
coconuts in it. Hmmmmm.

Yoga with Lori went splendidly. The children said they played a freeze
game while listening to music. They were seen balancing on two hands
and one foot. Impressive.

Friday we began building the trunk of our tree. We used brown crayons
to make it browner. We looked at many pictures of coconut trees to
brainstorm how to make the leaves.

Everyone got a chance to use their sense of touch, to feel something
in the Feely Box. The children said it was hard and soft, like a rock,
a waffle, a doll, paper, cardboard, and a wood chip. We drew a picture
of an elephant and told the story of five blind men who felt different
parts of an elephant and how each described him differently. The
children said all the men were correct. We looked in the Feely box to
see how we all came up with different guesses too.

Have a chilly weekend,