Dear Parents,
On Monday we read Will I Have A Friend?, My Friend Rabbit, and My
Friend And I. We wrote a list: I like when my friend... Classmates
said they like when friends play, have play dates, share, listen, and
play Hide-and-Seek. We will use this as a base for our class rules to
remind us of the golden rule.
Our activities this week focused on working together: building our
family tree, creating a list, listening to others, painting in pairs,
and playing with the parachute. These all require working together. We
cut our green mural paper into leaf shapes and glued them to branches
for our family coconut tree. We read Little Blue And Little Yellow.
Everyone worked in pairs painting with blue and yellow to create a new
color. It was exciting to see the new color appear.
We listened to the sound a cotton ball makes before unrolling and
pulling them apart to use as the meat for the fruit of our tree.
We played with the parachute in the big room. We sang I’m Being
Swallowed By A Boa Constrictor and went under the parachute. We
bounced multicolored beanbags and balls in the parachute and took
turns sitting in the middle of it while singing London Bridge. The
smiles are numerous during this game! The class helped name foods of
many colors, the same colors as our parachute.
While playing in the yard we are searching for leaves, examining the
colors, and figuring out from which tree they fell.
On Thursday, half the class stretched and posed in yoga with Lori. The
rest of us worked on gluing the meat (cotton balls), and rough part
(hay) to the inside and outside of our coconuts. We set them to dry
and went out to play.
Friday we glued our family pictures into our coconuts. We also made
butter! Everyone guessed how long it would take to shake our heavy
cream into butter. The guesses were amazingly accurate. We tasted a
smidge and saved the rest for next week's feast.
Our family feast will begin at 11:15 am on Wednesday. We will sing a
song while each family hangs its fruit on our family coconut tree.
Then we will eat, drink, and be merry. The children will make sweet
potatoes and corn muffins.
Looking forward,