Dear Parents,
Our first week went swimmingly. We sang our Good Morning song each day and are learning each other’s names, very s-l-o-w-l-y but surely.
We dug in the sandbox, climbed in the jungle gym, swang on the swings, and slid down the slides. We’re already working on waiting our turn for a truck in the sandbox or a stall in the bathroom.
We read Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kindergarten, Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready?, Five Little Monsters Went To School, Wow! School!, and many more. We sang Mary Had A Little Lamb and wondered what it would be like if lambs came to school. We sang If You’re Happy And You Know It and clapped our hands. We sang the A,B,C’s every time we saw it in our books, which was a lot! We counted every child every day to make sure we were all here and to practice counting.
Our first quiet time was quiet. Shhhh. We’ve already had three sleepers.
Some children noticed that the roots of our tree are brown above ground but purple and orange underground. In the yard we found a giant patterned slug, many small slugs, a teeny tiny snail, millipedes, several small golden beetles, many giant worms, and the shell of a cicada.
We squished and squeezed white play dough on Wednesday. On Friday we added blue, red, yellow, and green food coloring to our dough. Children said they were making pizza, a snake, cinnamon rolls, snails, a flat ball, and worms.
We’re practicing putting our own masks on, getting on and off the toilet, pulling our pants up and down, washing hands, and cleaning up after snacks.
The first week was pretty good!
Have a lovely weekend,