Dear Parents,
On Monday we added color to our white playdough. Everyone mixed their own ball of playdough choosing red or blue food coloring. The more we played with it, the brighter the color became. The next day, we shared balls of red playdough with balls of blue playdough. We had to work for a few days to see a new color emerge. The children started to notice our play dough was turning purple.
Everyone took turns painting at our easels. We mixed yellow and red. We mixed yellow and blue. Children noticed new colors here too. The next day some misremembered that we had used green paint at the easel. We looked at our pictures on the wall and sure enough, we saw green. After some thought, they realized that yellow and blue made green. And yellow and red make orange!
We started documenting the seasons in our yard by taking our first group photo under our tree. What color are the leaves on our tree? “Green!” shouted a few friends. This is our last week of the summer season. We noticed that a cool wind was blowing in and several children had on sweaters. Some in the class knew that means fall is coming.
We had our first fire drill this week. We left the building quickly and quietly (sorta) and formed a line outside. Then we went into the yard to play. We talked about the fact that our building was not really on fire, but that we were pretending in case it ever happened.
We are working on using walking feet in the classroom, taking turns on the swings and tricycles, and sharing the balls in the big room.
Have a cool weekend,