Play Dough and Play

Dear Parents,

This week we’re learning our routine, getting to know our space, and getting to know our friends’ names. We started putting our names up on the attendance chart while singing each person’s name.

Often the first written word children recognize and read is their own name. We encourage this by putting their names in the cubbies, on the attendance chart, and on everyone’s artwork.

We played with play dough, and friends created: a mud puddle, a fossil, a bridge, a pancake, an octopus, a tie-thing that you have to run and break, an inch worm, a train car, a couple of volcanoes, some earth worms, and much more. 

We have six to eight sleepers during quiet time. Shhhhhh.

We have been working puzzles and reading books in the classroom, driving our car and tricycles in the big room, and practicing sharing the swings outside. 

We are reading books about going to school. We read Cornelius C. Mudd, Are You Ready For School?, Spot Goes To School, David Goes To School, Wow School!, Follow The Line To School, and Head To Toe

We have been singing the Alphabet; Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes; Bubble Gum; On Top Of Spaghetti; Open, Shut Them; Peanut Butter and Jelly; and The Hokey Pokey.

That’s what it’s all about,
