Dear Parents,
On Tuesday we added a new page to our Me Books. We drew with crayons and painted with watercolors. Some drew using lines and dashes while others made thick dark circles. We used every color of the rainbow and then some. We read Black Is A Rainbow Color.
In the big room we added our two grocery carts for pushing and monster feet for walking on and practicing gross motor skills. We have two scooter boards with wheels. They are good for pulling ourselves with our hands while lying down or sitting up.
The next day we colored using oil pastels. Everyone wanted to add watercolors again so we did. One more page done!
We read A Big Mooncake For Little Star, You Choose, and I Like It When.Everyone had a turn to dictate what they like, while we wrote it down for yet another page in our Me Books. Children talked about games they like, food, family, and vehicles.
We read I Like Me! and one page of everyone’s book. We went around the circle and people said what they like about themselves: shiny hair, dinosaur shirt, and pink.
On Friday we took our first tree photo. We will document our tree’s seasons all year. Next week we will examine the photo and talk about which season it is now.
Everyone chose what color they wanted for the cover to their Me Book and colored it with crayons. Monday we may add to them.
Have a colorful weekend, Therese