Dear Parents,
We began our week on Monday reading My Five Senses. We used our hands and our sense of touch to feel something in the Feely Box. Many people guessed it was a stick and one person said a pen. It was a stick. We compared a pen to a stick and saw many similarities, it was hard, long, and skinny, much like the stick.
We read I Can! Can You?, Hands Can, Hands Aren’t For Hitting, and How Do I Put It On? We used our hands to play in the water bin again. We poured water with our hands.
We read My Five Senses again and talked about how many senses we have. We counted and saw that we have as many senses as fingers on one hand. We noted that four of our five senses are on our heads. We traced our hands and used crayons to color them in. Afterwards, some people traced their own hands. We used our hands to sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Open, Shut Them, and Where Is Thumbkin?
We made a list of things we can do with our hands. Friends said we can clap, dig, eat, pull an orange peel, wipe, swim, play, and wave our hands like a helicopter blade.
We also have been reading Time To Pee! and No More Diapers!
Thursday we made hand prints using red paint. Everyone washed their hands in a bucket of water afterwards. We read No David! and TipToe Into Kindergarten.
We are working on listening eyes, listening ears, listening to friends, and listening to teachers' words. We are working on using our words to speak up to friends if they’re doing something we don’t like. We are practicing using our regular big kid voice as opposed to a tiny voice or screaming.
Friday we read Firetruck and Fire Station A-Z. Afterwards we had our first fire drill. We talked about leaving the building quickly and quietly and that our school was not really on fire. The class was excited about it and followed the instructions pretty well. Afterwards, someone asked where the fire was? The other children helped answer that the building was not really on fire but we were pretending in case it ever does catch on fire. The class also knew that if our school was really on fire we would call the fire department.
The yard continues to not disappoint. There is lots of running, learning how to swing, digging holes and making cakes and pies in the sandbox, playing restaurant under the jungle gym, and subway on top of the jungle gym. Someone found the skull of a small animal which we examined and guessed what animal it was: a bird? a squirrel? We observed a moth-like insect one afternoon with spots and red and yellow under his wings.
It was an exciting week!
Have a peaceful weekend,